Revised 12/14/22
1. This organization shall be known as Norwin Soccer Club, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “NSC”
2. Protection of Name: The name, Norwin Soccer Club, shall not be used by any person, persons, group or organization without the expressed written consent of the Norwin Soccer Club, Inc.
The purpose of NSC is to foster and promote soccer, the Norwin School district, neighboring communities, and to instill into our members the ideals of sportsmanship, respect for the game, self-respect and mutual respect for all others through competitive and non-competitive soccer.
NSC is affiliated with:
a) Pennsylvania West Soccer Association
b) United States Youth Soccer Association
1. Membership in the NSC will be granted to any person who is:
a) eighteen (18) years of age and older, and
b) coaches, administers, referees, fundraisers, or otherwise performs tasks which shall benefit NSC, and/or
c) is registered in the NSC database.
2. Membership is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
a) Life Membership may be bestowed upon any member, or former member, in good standing and who is no longer actively administering soccer tasks.
b) To qualify for Life Membership, a person must, in addition to paragraph 1 above, have:
i. significantly contributed to the development of NSC, or
ii. significantly assisted the NSC in achieving its goals, or
iii. possess past experience with NSC deemed to be an invaluable resource to the NSC.
3. The process for bestowing Life Membership is as follows:
a) Nomination by a member of the Executive Board at a regular Executive Board Meeting, then
b) Election by a majority of the membership at the annual business meeting by secret ballot.
The governing body of NSC shall consist of four (4) officers and thirteen (13) specific areas of NSC administration comprising the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the “Board”. It is a qualification to be nominated for a Board Position that the member has played or has/had a child playing at NSC. In the case of Referee Coordinator, they must be a USSF Certified Referee unless a waiver is approved by the Board.
1. The four (4) Executive Officers of the Board will consist of:
a) President
b) Vice-President
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
2. Other members of the Board include:
e) Registrar
f) Maintenance/Groundskeeper Coordinator
g) Facilities Scheduler
h) Director of Coaching
i) Public Relations Coordinator
j) Referee Coordinator
k) Boys In-House Coordinator
l) Girls In-House Coordinator
m) Travel Coordinator
n) First Kicks and Tiny Kickers Coordinator
o) Co-ed Coordinator
p) Adult League Coordinator
q) Facilities Coordinator
3. Adaptive Coordinator, In-House Referee Assignor, and Concession Stand Coordinator will be Volunteer/Non-Voting members. These positions will be nominated and a vote brought to the sitting Board Members for majority approval.
4. The scope of duties, responsibilities, and authority of each of the Coordinator positions shall be reviewed as the Board deems necessary.
5. Voting Members of the Board will consist of: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and each of the remaining voting Board Members. Voting members will occupy only one position and will only cast one vote in any one voting situation.
1. President – is an elected member with voting rights responsible for:
a) facilitating Board meetings, executive meetings and disciplinary hearings
b) coordinating attendance of State Association meetings
c) insuring that NSC meets all local, state and federal regulations.
2. Vice President– is an elected member with voting rights who is responsible for:
a) exercising all authority of the President should the President be unavailable or unable to carry out his/her duties
b) chairing certain committees as otherwise prescribed in this Constitution
3. Treasurer -is an elected member with voting rights who is responsible for:
a) presenting a budget
b) reporting monthly financial activity
c) overseeing receivables and payable
d) presenting necessary documentation to accountant, bookkeeper, and/or attorney
4. Secretary - is an elected member with voting rights who is responsible for:
a) recording the minutes of each meeting
b) maintaining attendance records of each meeting
c) drafting and/or maintaining any pertinent correspondence.
5. Age Group Coordinators - are elected members with voting rights and are responsible for promoting, organizing and supervising their respective age group.
a) Age Coordinators have the right to accept or refuse additional sign-ups beyond the close of the seasonal registration periods to fill out teams, acquire coaches, or otherwise fulfill the purposes of age groups. They will work closely with the Registrar to consider all late registration to the best benefit of the players, coaches, families, and NSC.
i) The new coordinator, with no previous experience as coordinator, will be on probation for one year during which they will be guided by a mentor appointed by the Soccer Operations Committee.
ii) At the end of one year, the mentor will report to the Soccer Operations Committee as to the new coordinator’s progress.
6. Registrar - is an elected member of the Board and is responsible for:
a) scheduling and supervising all sign ups
b) maintaining the NSC database
c) work in conjunction with the public relations coordinator on advertising registration dates
d) producing roster cards and all other documentation, including coaches and board member clearances as required by PA West.
e) The Registrar, in conjunction with the Soc Ops Committee, will schedule opening and closing dates for the end of each seasonal registration period.
7. Maintenance/Groundskeeper Coordinator - is an elected member with voting rights and are responsible for:
a) overseeing the day-to-day operations, maintenance of all NSC facilities
b) organizing and supervising all contracted and volunteer work at all NSC facilities
c) recommending to the Finance Committee work to be done with the bid process over $5,000.
d) In case of emergency, the Maintenance/Groundskeeper Coordinator will have a discretionary spending limit to $5,000 to expedite tasks without Board approval but is required to make the Board aware of said expense.
8. The Director of Coaching- is an elected member with voting rights responsible for:
a) initiating and promoting coaching and player development programs
b) scheduling NSC sponsored license classes
9. Public Relations Coordinator - is an elected member with voting rights and is responsible for:
a) all aspects of coordinating all public relations functions including, but not limited to:
i) all advertisement for NSC events
ii) all goodwill events sponsored by or for the benefit of NSC
iii) working in conjunction with the Registrar to advertise sign- ups
iv) all aspects of coordinating all fundraising functions
v) in charge of all club social media accounts; Facebook, Twitter, NSC website, etc.
10. Facilities Scheduler - is an elected member with voting rights and shall be responsible for:
a) scheduling field usage at all NSC facilities – games, practices, and special events
b) provide field availability/information and work with the Travel and In-House Referee Assignors, In-House Age Group Coordinators, and the Travel Coordinator to assign fields for established trainings/games.
11. Referee Coordinator - is an elected member with voting rights and is responsible for:
a) supervision of the training, development, evaluation and of all referees.
b) The Referee Coordinator must have been a USSF Certified Referee for at least 3 years unless a waiver is approved by the Board
c) Responsible to ensure all referees have their clearances
12. Facilities Coordinator - is an elected member with voting rights and shall be responsible for:
a) Field rental management
b) Issuing field rental contracts for all NSC fields and facilities, to include games, practice, and special events.
13. Alternate Coordinators (Seconds) are nominated by their respective coordinator and must meet with Board approval. Voting rights are given to alternates in the absence of their coordinator.
14. Volunteer Positions not listed in the Constitution:
a) As NSC grows, positions to facilitate NSC business will be appointed by the Executive Board and are non-voting members.
15. Replacement of Board Members
a) If the Board position has been vacated during the term a replacement can be nominated and vote will be taken at the next monthly Board meeting.
1. The Board will review:
a) establishing, amending, and enforcing the Constitution, policies, rules, and regulations
b) approving all facilities and property use
c) approving any international youth games with member teams or select teams
d) making temporary or permanent rules and/or regulations for specific cases or occasions not provided for in the Constitution, but which are deemed necessary by the Board to carry out the stated purpose of the NSC
e) suspending or expelling any member from NSC for conduct it considers detrimental to soccer in the community and/or against Article 2
f) approving the annual budget
2. The Board President can elect to approve payments up to $1,500.00 without Board approval but is required to make the Board aware of said expense. In cases of emergencies and potential safety situations the President can approve payments immediately up to $5,000.00 and make the Board aware of said expense.
3. The Board can approve expenses up to $5,000.00 without a bidding process. Board members are expected to ensure that the interests of NSC are upheld when requesting expenses.
4. Any projects over $5,000.00 require that bids be submitted.
a) The Board is not obligated to accept the lowest bid, instead, shall consider all relevant factors to the substance of the bid in question
b) Bids will not necessarily be required in cases of flooding, safety situations, sewage problems, or other such emergencies
c) All bid contracts will be for (2) years then the process will need to be re-bid.
5. In order for Board approval to be achieved as to financial transactions, they must be brought before the Board in the form of a motion and approved by a majority of the Board members, with no regard to the number of Board members present at a particular meeting, i.e. half of all Board members plus one.
6. The Board will be responsible for approving membership.
There will be four (4) permanent standing committees that will develop recommendations for Board approval. Committee meetings are closed and to be attended by members of the committee and invited guest only.
1. Executive Committee
a) Chaired by the President
b) Members – President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and one at large member from the Board.
Duties of the Executive Committee include:
a) The Executive Committee shall conduct hearings on subjects that are confidential, personal, or of a sensitive nature and report back to the NSC Board with its findings and recommendations. This includes hearings that may result in disciplinary action. All policies and procedures related to hearings shall be adhered to in all cases.
b) Shall oversee the business operations of the NSC and make recommendations to the NSC Board on such issues. This committee shall meet once in June and once in January, as well as when issues arise which the president deems necessary by this Committee.
c) Ad Hoc / temporary committees may be formed and approved by the Executive Committee to address specific issues or events. The Ad Hoc committee will expire in 1 (one) year unless terminated or extended by the Board.
2. Finance Committee
a) Chaired by the Treasurer
b) Members – Treasurer, Vice-President, Registrar, Facilities Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator, and one Board member from the Soccer Operations Committee who is elected by that committee.
Duties of the Finance Committee include:
a) Shall oversee the financial operations of the NSC and make recommendations to the NSC Board on such issues.
b) developing an annual budget for the NSC and submit it to the NSC Board for approval, and
c) monitoring and maintaining compliance with 501(C)(3) and PA audit and tax requirements, and
d) formulating short- and long-range planning strategies in reference to all aspects of NSC and make recommendations to the NSC Board for adoption. A minimum of one written report to the Board per playing season must be submitted by this Committee.
e) The Finance Committee shall meet as needed and at least one time in September to prepare the budget to be presented at the AGM. The budget shall be submitted for vote to the NSC at the first meeting in.
f) The budget will include a recommendation for financial reserve and shall be based on the current and projected operational needs, planning committee projects, and program recommendations.
g) The Finance Committee will establish and review bids given by any Coordinator for work needed, and make recommendations to the Board for a vote.
h) The Finance Committee will choose the NSC Photographer every two years.
i) The retention of an accountant, for the mandated annual audit, will be accomplished through an interview process supervised by this committee and approved by the Board.
3. Soccer Operations Committee (SOC)
a) Chaired by a member of the Soccer Operations Committee who shall be elected by the Soccer Operations Committee
b) Members – First Kicks/Tiny Kickers Coordinator, Boys In- house Coordinator, Girls In-house Coordinator, Co-ed Coordinator, Travel Coordinator, Director of Coaching, Referee Coordinator, Field Scheduler
Duties of the Soccer Operations Committee (SOC) include:
a) To oversee the day-to-day soccer operations of the NSC
b) To promote the development of the NSC soccer players, coaches, teams and referees through joint efforts of all members of the committee.
c) To make proposals to the NSC Board as required.
d) The committee shall meet monthly prior to the monthly Board Meeting except December. The Chair of the SOC will present a report to the NSC Board at each monthly meeting.
e) The Soccer Operations Committee shall assign Age Coordinators with no previous experience a second for that age group as a mentor for the new coordinator.
f) The new coordinator will be on probation for one year during which they will be guided by the mentor.
g) At the end of one year, the mentor will report to the Soccer Operations Committee as to the new Coordinators’ progress.
h) The Soccer Operations Committee will conduct ongoing reviews of all NSC facilities, including fields, properties, and structures, and will report back to the facilities coordinator with any issues, concerns or recommendations.
4. Administration Committee
a) Chaired by NSC Vice President.
b) Members: one member of the Soccer Operations Committee who shall be elected by the Soccer Operations Committee, one member of the Finance Committee, and one at-large NSC Board member nominated by the Admin Chair and elected by the NSC Board.
Duties of the Administration Committee include:
a) The Administration Committee shall monitor throughout the year all rules, and policies and to recommend whether new policies or changes to the Constitution are necessary
b) shall meet once per season as determined by the Vice- President and will recommend honors and awards.
c) The Committee will also recommend the nominations of NSC members for PA West honors and awards
1. NCS Board Meetings will be held on the second (2nd) Wednesday of each month, but can be changed at the discretion of the President with 72 hour notice.
a) Regularly scheduled NSC Board Meetings are open to the public.
b) Executive sessions are open only to the Executive Board members, the Board and invited persons
c) Drinking of alcoholic beverages during Board and Executive meetings is prohibited.
d) In the event that a regularly scheduled meeting time or location is changed, a posting will be made on the front page of the NSC website.
2. The Annual General Meeting (AGM), of the NSC, will be held on the second Wednesday in November.
a) At this time, the treasurer will submit the annual report
b) the new coordinators and officers will be elected
c) any NSC member and Board member who are in good standing and have attended four meetings in the prior year may vote in the annual AGM.
d) The new officers and coordinators will take office on the day of the AGM.
3. The agenda for the AGM is as follows:
a) Call to order
b) Roll call of eligible voting members
c) Credentials
d) Reading of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
e) Reports of the chairperson, treasurer, secretary, and committees
f) Old business
g) Proposed amendments and policy changes
h) Election of coordinators
i) Election of officers
j) Good of soccer
k) Adjournment
4. Special membership meetings may be called by the President or at the request of the Board by majority vote of the sitting Board members.
a) Notice must be given to all NSC Board members three (3) days prior to the day of the special meeting scheduled.
The Board shall have the sole right and authority to suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline any member, player, coach, manager, or other principal of any component or affiliate of such member, for violation of the Constitution and/or its policies. In cases of an expulsion, a 2/3 vote of the voting members of the Board must accompany the conviction. In all other decisions made under Article 10, a majority vote of the sitting Board members will be required to pass decisions. NSC recognizes that members have due process rights per USSF Bylaw 701…right to a hearing, right to notice, right to hearing at a reasonable time and place, right to present witnesses and evidence, etc.
The Executive Committee will accept and evaluate all issues and complaints submitted within the guidelines of the complaint acceptance policy. After review, the committee will present its recommendation to the board of directors for approval. The decision of the board is final.
Any youth meeting the age requirements, as set forth by the United States Youth Soccer Association (U.S.Y.S.A.) and the NSC, will be eligible to play.
All travel uniforms must be gold, navy, white, gray, or a combination of these colors.
The fiscal year of the Norwin Soccer Club, Inc. will be from June 1 through May 31. This includes financial reporting, election of officers and operations. The NSC will maintain compliance with the requirements of its 501(C)(3) and PA registered charitable organization status.
The Board will bear ultimate responsibility for the financial well-being of the NSC by adopting and maintaining compliance with the annual budget and overseeing internal control and audit policies.
A quorum (1/2 of the total voting Board plus 1) for the conduct of business of the Board of the NSC is defined to be the number of voting members at a meeting. Under no circumstances will this supersede the voting requirements for Amendments, Policies, Procedures, or Expenditures listed below.
The following specifies the voting procedures for the Board, except as provided in Article 9.
There are four types of measures that may be voted on by the NSC Board:
Constitutional Amendments, Policies, Procedures, and Expenditures.
1. The Constitution
2. Policies govern the operation of the NSC across more than one playing year. These are passed by a simple majority of voting Board Members (in-person, email, group/electronic messaging.) They should be used to further enhance the constitution and provide guidance for particular circumstances.
3. Procedures govern the operation of the NSC across one playing year. These are passed by a simple majority of voting Board Members (in-person, email, group/electronic messaging.) They should be in accordance with The Constitution and Policy. Procedures are generally initiated to provide immediate resolution.
4. Capital & Operational Expenditures are the expenses and investments associated with the operations of NSC.
5. Amendments
6. Constitutional amendments can only be initiated by the designated Administration Committee.
7. A unanimous vote less two of all the eligible voting board members is required to approve a constitutional change.
a) Ex: If sitting Board has 17 members, then 15 votes would be required to approve a change.
8. Voting on Policy, Procedure, and Expenditures
a) A vote on Policy, Procedure, or Expenditure can only be initiated by an active board member in good standing.
b) Voting requirements to pass Policy
c) A majority of the sitting members of the board.
i) Ex: If there are 17 sitting members of the Board, then at least 9 votes are required to pass policy.
9. Voting requirements to pass Procedures:
a) A majority of the voting members present at a meeting.
b) Voting requirements to pass expenditures:
i) Expenditures in excess of $5,000 require a majority of the sitting members of the Board.
ii) Expenditures $5,000 or less require a majority of the voting members present at a meeting.
10. If required, a vote on a Policy, Procedure or Expenditure in excess of $5,000 may be extended to e-mail replies from Board members not present at the meeting. The count will be kept by the President and with a printout of the email and reported to the Secretary to be a recorded vote.
11. If required, a vote on a Constitutional issue, Policy, or Procedure or Expenditure may be extended to a conference call, email, and/or group/electronic vote. Attendance will be taken. The issue at hand will be read and the president will do a roll call vote of those attending. The total outcome will be a part of the official NSC record. The vote response will be Yes, No, or Abstain.
12. In the case that a Board member receives financial compensation from NSC for work provided, and a vote comes to the Board which affects the service provided, that Board member’s vote will count as an abstain. Example: if a vote is required on raising the referee pay, then any referee on the Board votes as abstain. All Board members in attendance or e-mail must vote YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.
Each officer of the NSC shall be indemnified by the NSC against all expenses, penalties, and liabilities, including attorney’s fees, reasonably incurred, or imposed upon him/her in connection with any claim, demand, action, or proceeding, whether criminal or civil, or in connection with any settlement thereof, to which he/she may be made a party, or in which he/she may become involved by reason of his/her being or having been an officer of the NSC, whether or not he/she is an officer at the time such expenses, penalties, or liabilities are incurred, except in such cases where he/she shall be finally judged in such action to be liable for willful misconduct in performance of his/her duties or shall have exceeded grossly the authority of his/her office.
The right of indemnification herein provided shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of, all other rights to which such officer may be entitled and the right of indemnification herein provided shall inure to the benefit of the personal representative of deceased officers.
The NSC shall carry an insurance policy that will cover possible damages in settlements as adjudged by the courts of the judicial systems.
1. Sale of NSC assets over $1000 in value will require a unanimous vote less two of all the Board members is required to approve.
2. In the event of dissolution of the NSC. Any assets accumulated would be allocated by the last sitting Executive Board to sell and wipe out any accumulated debt or distribute to worthy charitable organizations.
A complete review of the NSC Constitution will occur every four (4) years, the year of the FIFA Men’s World Cup.
The Norwin Soccer Club and its Board of Directors (“Club”) recognizes the need for a comprehensive risk management policy to protect the Club and its members. In particular, the Club seeks to ensure the safety of its minor children will appoint a risk management committee to oversee the implementation and adherence to its policies, to review on a yearly basis to develop and improve the Club’s risk management program. All Risk Management issues will be deferred to the clubs current Risk Management Policy.