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Soccer Club

Norwin Soccer Club


Norwin Soccer Club Refund Policy

Norwin Soccer Club (NSC) recognizes and appreciates the need to service its members by providing a vehicle to obtain refunds in the event that members become engaged in a conflict that requires a refund request or other unexpected event. The purpose of this policy is to outline what circumstance may qualify for a refund and how refunds will be considered and distributed if appropriate.

Questions concerning this policy may be addressed to the Registrar or NSC Executive Board.

NSC incurs insurance and administrative costs whenever a player registers or is placed on a team’s roster. Therefore, the following refund schedule will exist for participants registered within a NSC in- house, recreational, or travel soccer program.

In-House and Recreational Programs:

  • NSC will offer a 90% refund of registration fees up to two weeks prior to the start of the in- house program season.
  • NSC will offer an 80% refund of registration fees providing notice is given to NSC between two weeks prior to the start of the season and the first scheduled game.
  • NSC will offer a 50% refund of registration fees if notice is given after the first scheduled game of the season, but prior to the second scheduled game of the season.
  • No refunds will be granted after the second scheduled game of the season.

Travel Program:

  • NSC will offer a 50% refund from the time a player accepts their position on a travel team and up to the first week of the fall soccer season
  • No refunds will be granted during the first week of the fall soccer season and anytime thereafter

Summer and Winter Training Programs:

  • NSC will offer a 100% refund of registration fees up to the day before the start of the training sessions.

  • NSC will offer a 50% refund of registration fees if notice is given after the first scheduled session, but prior to the second session.
  • No refunds will be granted after the second scheduled session.


Requests for a partial refund will be considered for soccer injuries, medical conditions, financial hardships, or other special circumstances, and granted upon board approval providing the refund request is prior to the fourth week of the season for in-house or recreational program participants or during the fall soccer season for travel program participants. In the case of an injury or medical condition, NSC reserves the right to require a physician’s note indicating that the injury or medical condition prevents the player from participating in soccer. A request for partial refund will not be considered after the fourth week of the season.

NSC will only offer a refund for registration fees as established within this policy. NSC does not offer refunds for uniforms, volunteer fees, or other costs that may be incurred by the participant.

To qualify for a refund, requests must be made in writing to the club registrar via email or by mail. The date of the request shall be the date of the email or the postmark date of the mailing. The request shall include the name of the player, the program and division that the player is registered in, a brief description providing a reason for the refund, and the parent's name and address for payment.

NSC shall not be liable or responsible for refunds for unforeseen events outside the reasonable control of NSC which may result in failure, cancellation, suspension, postponement, delay, or shortening of our programs or soccer related activities resulting from a Force Majeure Event. A Force Majeure Event may include, but not limited to, “acts of God”; field closures; labor disputes; equipment failure; war; terrorism; riot; acts of civil or military authorities; diseases; pandemics, epidemics; natural disasters, floods; fires; severe weather conditions; accidents; governmental acts or regulations; or other contingencies the non- occurrence of which was a basic assumption on which the registration was made.

Please note that a $20 administrative fee will be applied to all refunds.

If you purchase insurance at registration through the outside insurance company, you must use that insurance when requesting a refund.

Policy On Field and Concussions

For Parents and Athletes

Coaches Online Course-(Takes about 30min)

This course is from the CDC and should be recognized across the country.

"Guide to Sports Concussions" - 


Young Football player Preston Plevretes very moving

Neck Strengthening exercises mostly for girls due weaker neck muscles plus some other good information

Zero Tolerance Youth Player/Referee Abuse Policy

Purpose of the Policy

 Youth development is the central focus of the NSC program. This includes development of youth whether they are soccer players or soccer referees. Only "Positive, Instructive, and Encouraging" comments are allowed to be directed at youth players or youth referees. The purpose of this policy is to make clear that verbal abuse or negative criticism of youth referees is as unacceptable as verbal abuse or negative criticism of youth players and to adopt basic standard sanctions for improper conduct.

This policy is not intended to imply that youth referees are always "right" and the adult spectator or coach is always "wrong". Just as youth players will make mistakes during play, youth referees will make mistakes in officiating, particularly in the younger divisions where they are learning how to referee. In addition, sometimes youth referees are "in over their head" because of a particularly challenging game, an assignment beyond their experience or comfort level, etc.

This policy is not meant to imply that criticism/abuse of adult referees is permitted.  However, in this case the adult referee is expected to handle such behavior at the field and report such incidents to the Referee Coordinator or other Board Member for appropriate action.   

Policy on Youth Referee Abuse

1.) It is never acceptable to abuse or criticize youth referees, verbally or otherwise, in any situation. NSC will not tolerate any verbal or other abuse or criticism of a youth referee by any coach or spectator.

2.) A Coach or spectator may only communicate in a positive way with a youth referee. The coach is responsible for ensuring all spectators associated with his/her team follow these guidelines relating to communication with a youth referee. A coach/ spectator may not express any disagreement or dissatisfaction with the officiating to the youth referee.  A coach/spectator may not, before, during or after a game, discuss with a youth referee their critique of the referee's performance, other than to thank and compliment the referee.

3.) Any Board Member or Certified adult referee present at the game shall, if necessary, intervene if any coach, spectator, or other adult is criticizing or abusing a youth referee, verbally or otherwise and may take immediate appropriate action.  This may include directing the offender to leave the site, and/or suspending or terminating the game.

4.) Any NSC volunteer (any coaches, Board Member, other referees, Age Group Coordinators, etc.) observing behavior not following these guidelines shall report the incident to the Referee Coordinator or Norwin Soccer Board as soon as possible after the incident so that an appropriate review can take place.

5.)There are appropriate avenues for coaches or spectators to share concerns about the quality of officiating.  The Referee Coordinator welcomes constructive comments about referees. However, any criticism or critique of a youth referee's performance may only be communicated to the youth by the Referee Coordinator.

Policy for Punishment 

1.) The First Offense by a Parent or Fan will result in a warning given by the Coach.

2.) The Second Offense by a Parent, Fan or Coach will result in removal from the soccer fields and a report will be sent to the Executive Committee of the Norwin Soccer Club for review of severity of incident and any further penalty considerations.

3.)  Any subsequent Offenses will result in removal from the soccer fields and a report will be sent to the Executive Committee of the Norwin Soccer Club for review of severity of incident and any further penalty considerations.

Penalties may be, but are not limited to, banishment from fields for the next game, week, season, year or even permanently depending on severity of the offense.


Parent/Guardian Conduct Policy

Youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social, and emotional development of children. The Norwin Soccer Club (NSC) deems it essential that parents, coaches, family members, and officials encourage our young soccer players to embrace and model the values of good sportsmanship. Athletes, parents, coaches, family members and fans should lead by example and demonstrate fairness, respect and self-control for any NSC activity.  

A parent or guardian should: 

  • Applaud superior play, effort, and sportsmanship by players on both teams.
  • Treat any coach, parent, player, participant, official or other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability.  

Support your coaches and coordinators consistently, regardless of the results on the field. Coaches contribute many hours of their time to your children. They deserve your congratulations when the team wins and your encouragement when the team does not. 

Communicate any concerns to the coach at the appropriate time (recommended 24 hour cool off period) away from the playing location and players. An email to your coach with detailed information is highly recommended. 

Always remain at least one yard from the playing field so our young players have room to play and enjoy the game. 

A parent or guardian must: 

  • Never use foul language or obscene gestures at a game or practice site. 
  • Never use comments and gestures that express disagreement with referee decisions. 
  • Cooperate with any request by the game officials or board members. 
  • Never consume alcoholic beverages on the field location at practices or games. 
  • Refrain from using social media to express disparaging comments about the NSC, its players, coaches, officials, parents or other attendees.  
  • Never coach from the sideline during any match.

A parent or guardian understands that:

Any parent or spectator who fails to adhere to these standards will be required to leave the playing area, and play will be suspended until he or she does so. 

Norwin Soccer Club reserves the right to suspend or terminate a player's enrollment for his or her parent's persistent or extreme sideline misbehavior, and there will be no refunds of player fees in such cases.

Facility Policy

The speed limit is 5 MPH.
Norwin Soccer Club retains all rights to close fields due to weather conditions.
Norwin Soccer Club retains all concessions rights. 
No unauthorized use of facilities, pavilion and fields. Field use by schedule only. NO EXEPCTIONS 
No Alcohol beverages or controlled substances allowed. 
PA West and USYSA rules apply at all times. 
Goals must stay anchored at all times.
Obey all "NO PARKING" signs.
Do not park vehicles in a manner that will block traveling lanes or the vehicle bridge. 
Park in the designated parking areas.
No unauthorized vehicles on the fields.
No dogs or pets of any kind permitted
No glass containers. No grills without authorization. No grills anywhere near fields or spectator areas. (Please respect our insurance requirements.)
No golfing allowed on complex.
Teams are expected to clean up tape and trash after each game and deposit in trash barrels located near all fields. (Tape is destructive to our mowing equipment.)
Last coach to leave to asked to lock the complex gate. 
No off-road motorcycles, golf carts, ATVs allowed without authorization.
Norwin Soccer Club reserves the right to eject anyone for improper dress or behavior, unsportsmanlike conduct, violation of rules/policies or abuse of facilities.